Free Online Course

Introducing Rapid Resizer Academy!

Exciting news everyone, today we have officially launched the Rapid Resizer Academy. What is the Rapid Resizer Academy, you ask? It is an online course you can take to learn about and improve your skills with Rapid Resizer. It’s free to sign up and complete all course areas.

We have videos on how to get started in the Introduction, and tutorials on many other Rapid Resizer features such as our Stencil Makers and Designer. After you have watched the tutorials, you can take the quiz that goes along with each chapter and see how you do.

Did I mention it's totally FREE?! You will also receive a certificate upon completion.

One of our favourite things is seeing all of the amazing artwork you create using the Rapid Resizer features, so don’t forget to submit any of your past or present projects. That way, we can share it with the rest of our users and promote you, too!

So what are you waiting for? It's time to become a Rapid Resizer pro.